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For patients

Addressing Women’s Sexual Health During Breast Cancer Treatment and Prevention

In this episode of SurgOnc Today®,  Dr. Jennifer Plichta is joined by Dr. Ann Partridge and Dr. Kristin Rojas to discuss practical pearls for addressing women’s sexual health concerns during breast cancer treatment and prevention using case-based discussions to illustrate common scenarios that breast surgeons may encounter in their clinic. These may include managing sexual health concerns in the neoadjuvant and adjuvant setting, as well as how to approach symptom management for patients seen in a high-risk program.

Click here to listen to the Podcast Episode

For patients

UM HEALTH NEWS – Vaginal Health Is Usually Simple

I was featured in a nice article for University of Miami Health News about some of the issues that arise from deceptive marketing targeting women’s hygiene and women’s sexual health.

For hundreds of years, companies that sell “feminine hygiene products” have told women that the natural smells and fluids of their vaginas needed to be masked or perfumed. But never before today have women of all ages been bombarded with so many sales pitches for so many different vaginal health products and services.

Click here to read the full article at University of Miami Health News